Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Do you live in Pennsylvania and need help to pay your rent or utility bills?

If you lost your job or are experiencing financial difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may qualify for rent or utility assistance through Pennsylvania’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). The program provides funds to cover rent, utility bills and other housing-related expenses for eligible households.

Who is eligible?

To qualify, a tenant’s household income must be 80 percent or less than the county Area Median Income (AMI) and they must have encountered one of the following since March 13, 2020:

  • Qualified for unemployment benefits,
  • Encountered a reduction in income,
  • Incurred significant costs, or
  • Faced other financial hardship due, directly
    or indirectly, to COVID-19.

Pennsylvanians can apply for themselves as tenants, or a landlord can apply on behalf of current tenant(s). Renters can get assistance for up to 12 months of utility bills &/or rent payments. ERAP income limits vary by county (view income limits) and your local ERAP office makes the final grant determination.

For more information on how to apply, visit www.compass.state.pa.us, call 211, text 898211, or visit www.dhs.pa.gov for your local county office.

Programa de Ayuda para Alquiler y Servicios. El Departamento de Human Services (DHS) ofrece asistencia de ayuda para alquiler y servicios.

Delaware County Emergency Rental Assistance One-Pager: